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If you require any more information or a paper version of any document on our website, please contact the school office.

  1. Accessibility Plan (Review Autumn 2024) pdf
  2. Admission Policy 2023-24 pdf
  3. Admission Policy 2024-25 pdf
  4. Anti-Bullying policy (Review Nov 2025) pdf
  5. Attendance Policy (Review Nov 2025) pdf
  6. Behaviour policy (Review July 2024) pdf
  7. Charging & Remissions Policy (Review 2025) pdf
  8. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (Review Sept 2024) pdf
  9. Collective Worship Policy (Review Feb 2024) pdf
  10. Complaints policy (Review Nov 2024) pdf
  11. Computing Policy (Review Oct 2024) pdf
  12. Data Protection Policy (Review Nov 2024) pdf
  13. Data Retention Schedule Policy (Review Nov 2024) pdf
  14. Drug, alcohol and tobacco staff policy (Review May 2024) pdf
  15. Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Pupil Policy (Review May 2024) pdf
  16. EAL Policy (Review July 2025) pdf
  17. Educational_Visits and School Trips Policy pdf
  18. Foundation and KS1 AUPolicy (Review Sept 2024) pdf
  19. Freedom of Information Policy pdf
  20. Health & Safety Policy (Review Autumn 2024) pdf
  21. Inclusion Statement pdf
  22. KS2 AUPolicy Agreement (Review Sept 2024) pdf
  23. Legislation and Guidance: Equality  pdf
  24. Parents and Carers Code of Conduct (Review June 2025) pdf
  25. Mobile Phone Policy (Review Sept 2025) pdf
  26. Online Safety Policy (Review Nov 2024) pdf
  27. P.E Policy (Review May 2024) pdf
  28. Prevent Duty Policy(Review Nov 2024) pdf
  29. Privacy Notice for Pupils Parents-Carers pdf
  30. Privacy Notice for Visitors pdf
  31. PSHE policy (Review May 2024) pdf
  32. Pupil Premium Policy (Review April 2025) pdf
  33. Records Management Policy (Review June 2024) pdf
  34. RE Policy ( Review Feb 2024) pdf
  35. RSE Policy (Review Feb 2024) pdf
  36. Single Equality Policy pdf
  37. Staff Volunteer Governors Contractor AUP (Review Sep 2024) pdf
  38. Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (Review Jan 2026) pdf